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Can I quickly recall states in Ai?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1350Scene Triggers can be used to capture the current state of layer parameters including the media in use or can be edited at a...
Can my edgeblending be done in Ai?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1351Ai offers standard blending on the system output, complex blending applied directly to the screen geometry via modules or automatic camera based warping and...
Can I warp my output to fit my screens?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1352Ai offers easy and familiar tools such as keystoning and grid warping as well as the Mapping editor for more complex warps which are...
Do I need an Avolites console to control Ai
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1354Ai integrates well with Avolites lighting consoles, however it is not locked solely to them and can be controlled by whichever desk you are...
What are the recommended capture card drivers for Ai?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1366For all Datapath Capture Cards, the current recommended driver set is 7-17-14
On an Avolites manufactured media server, the correct driver set for... -
How do I get live feeds into Ai?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1339Live video can be used as a source by selecting one of the patches named ‘LiveVideo’ in the media browser ( Menu Bar >...
My screens are in the wrong order.
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1355Occasionally, the screen outputs can come up in the wrong order when connected to the system.
To rectify this, first make sure that... -
What are the delays on the video input cards?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1357When we talk of the delay ( also known as latency) of in an input card, we are considering the time it takes from...