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The software works with OpenGL, will specialised cards like the Quadro range help the performance?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1359We have used the quadro series in the past and they are very good cards. Performance is not a lot better than standard Nvidia...
Will CUDA be used for certain effects?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1360We don’t use CUDA at the moment. We do use a lot of GPU based processing but it is mostly done with shaders, and...
What are the main ways to control Ai?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1361ArtNet, MIDI and Ethernet based message are the standard control protocols used with Ai.
Which graphics settings should I use for Windows 7 or 8?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1362Vertical refresh settings should be set to “off , unless application specifies”
Which graphics settings should I use for Windows 10?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1363Vertical refresh settings should be set to “always off”
My MIDI controller doesn't work properly with Ai?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1364Many controllers come with extra software and drivers to configure the device. Installing these will often resolve any issues seen with controllers not connecting...
What are the recommended graphics card drivers for Ai?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1365The correct driver set for the capture cards can be found in C:\Master
Import project assets
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1411Video Clips
- Ai Icon > Perform > Performance
- Create a new media bank by clicking the plus icon at the bottom of the bank list
- Drag...