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I want to connect an external touch screen monitor, how can I check to see whether it is compatible?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-941We advise using Windows Touch compatible monitors to avoid driver issues.
For Titan Mobile and Titan One you can connect whatever external displays...
How do I use an external display with the console?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-942For extra workspace you can connect another display to the (see rear of console) DVI-D or VGA port(s).
An external display is disabled...
How do I set/change my consoles IP Address?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-944In order to configure the IP address of the console, you will need to ensure the console is connected to another device via...
Can I load a show file from a newer version of Titan into an older version?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-946Show files are forward compatible only. Please ensure you are not trying to open a show file created in the latest version of...
What is the best video format for Ai?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-1416Ai’s own AiM format is always the best choice in terms of reliability, performance and image quality.
The AiM codec provides high resolution... -
I have two separate show files, is it possible to combine both shows together?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-947The show import feature allows users to import elements of a show into a new or existing show. This is extremely useful for...
Why am I unable to find my fixture in the personality list?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-948The Titan Fixture Library is updated on a daily basis. You will need to ensure your consoles library is up to date. If...
How do I import custom or requested personalities?
https://www.avolites.com/frequently-asked-questions/#faq-949If you have requested a personality to be built by the Avolites team then you can download the full fixture library and install...